Defeat Diabetes:

Embrace Health,

Empower Lives!

Diabetes facts and figures show the growing global burden
for individuals, families, and countries.

  • The IDF Diabetes Atlas (2021) reports that 10.5% of the adult population (20-79 years) has diabetes, with almost half unaware that they are living with the condition
  • By 2045, IDF projections show that 1 in 8 adults, approximately 783 million, will be living with diabetes, an increase of 46%.
  • Over 90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes, which is driven by socio-economic, demographic, environmental, and genetic factors.

Diabettes Around The World In 2021

537 million

Approximately 537 million adults (20-79 years) are living with diabetes

643 million by 2030

the total number of pepole living with diabetes is projected to rise to 643 million by 2030 and 783 nillion by 2045

3 in 4

3 in 4 adults with diabetes live in low-and middle-income countries

adults predicted to have diabetes by 2030
pepole living with undiagnosed diabetes

Are You at Risk?

Learning your risk is the first step in taking action against type 2 diabetes. Take our 60-Second Prediabetes Risk Test today to receive actionable next steps in your health journey.